About Us

The journey of Love Maine Coon started when I noticed how many people were seeking advice on caring for their furry family members. From feeding and grooming to understanding what our Maine Coon cats are trying to tell us, we all want the best for our purring pals. That’s how this special space was born – to share knowledge, tell tales of whiskered wonders, and create a community where we all can learn and share about the cats we adore so much.

Our Vision

Our Team

Our goal is to consistently update and maintain this site with fresh articles covering all facets of Maine Coon’s life, from preventive care and grooming to behavior and training.

Christine Hawkins

Hello, I’m Christine! Inspired by my two Maine Coon cats, Luna and Sol, I’m here to help you decode your Maine Coon’s behaviors and navigate through their whims and wishes. Together, let’s create a language that bridges our world with theirs, ensuring a happy coexistence!

Marvin Taylor

Hi, I’m Marvin! With a passion born from caring for my Maine Coon kitten, Shadow, I’m on a mission to help your cats stay healthy and safe. My expertise is here to guide you through keeping your adventurous or homely cats happy and hazard-free!

Ruth Jones

Hi, I’m Ruth Jones, your feline enthusiast and guide on this whisker-filled journey. With a passion for these majestic creatures, I’ll be sharing insights, tips, and adorable anecdotes about Maine Coons. Join me in exploring the charm and wonder of these incredible cats!

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